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How To Remove The Roller Brush Part From Shark Vacuum In 4 Step - A Step By Step Guide




Doesn't your  Blue Shark Navigator Lift-Away Deluxe NV360 Upright Vacuum Cleaner collect any dust or debris? And you are having difficulty in removing this useless roller brush. Don't be upset because this article is here to assist you.


Just follow these instructions; removing the roller brush for cleaning, maintenance, or replacement may become a simple action. As a result, you may prevent your vacuum from not working correctly.


Steps To Remove The Roller Brush


Let's reach 4 steps below to remove your old roller brush part from the NV360 Shark vacuum.


Step 1: Remove the Shark Vacuum NV 360 From Any Power Source.


Switching off the electricity is a crucial safety precaution. This would be preferable if you disconnected your machine completely from the electricity supply. Having your vacuum machine on while removing the roller brush may be hazardous.


It's also possible that someone unintentionally turned on the power supply, necessitating complete detachment from the power source. Moving the vacuum cleaner or roller brush while it is still attached to the power source may harm your shark vacuum cleaner, in addition to hurting yourself.



Step 2: Locate The Roller Brush


As soon as the plug has been removed, it is necessary to locate the roller brush. The roller brush is often found on the bottom of virtually all Shark upright vacuums.


If you put your vacuum down to expose its bottom, it will be much easier for you to find it. Because the roller brush will be facing you in this position, you will have no trouble locating it. Make use of a rust remover to get rid of the rust on the screws to be easier to reach and remove.


Step 3: Unscrew The Screws


This kind vacuum of the Shark has a faceplate that is secured in place by some screws. To take it apart, you'll need the screwdriver that came with the vacuum cleaner in the toolbox. When you use the incorrect screwdriver, you may cause screws to expand or even break.


It is possible to order a replacement vacuum screwdriver from an appliance shop near you if you do not have the original screwdriver. If you're ordering anything, double-check that it's compatible with your Shark navigator NV360 . It is necessary to have a container to store your screws to put them back together simpler.



Step 4: Remove The Roller Brush


It would be best to get ready to go now that you have learned how to remove the roller brush from a vacuum.


  • Pull the roller brush out of the platform by popping the roller's belt out of the platform. when the opposite side of the roller belt has protruded, pull the other end of the belt off with your fingers.
  • When attempting to remove the opposite end of the roller brush, keep an eye out for any attachments. You must take things slowly at this stage in the game. Because the attachments (nylon, thread, and pop-up pins) in the roller brush are considered delicate, you may need to take additional precautions while handling them throughout the cleaning process.
  • If at this point, the roller brush is still challenging to pop (this is most likely due to the presence of obstructing accessories), spin the roller brush's roller in the opposite direction 4-5 times, or until it pops.




You may find it difficult to remove the roller brush from the  Shark NV360 at first, but with this step-by-step tutorial, you will be able to do the task with ease while adhering to the safety guidelines. Removing, cleaning, and maintaining your shark vacuum cleaner takes just a tiny fraction of your time, but the better you take care of your Shark vacuum cleaner, the longer it will assist you.

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